4-hour First Aid Course in English - Efstaleiti


08 May
Location Efstaleiti 9, 103 Reykjavík
Time 17:00 - 21:00
Instructor Konrad Burchardt
Price per person 12.000 ISK

The course is intended for anyone aged 14 or older who wants to learn first aid and CPR and gain the safety, skills and knowledge to provide assistance to bystanders in an emergency by applying simple first aid techniques safely.

The Red Cross is holding a 4-hour course in general first aid in English. The course is for everyone aged 14 years or older who want to learn basics in first aid and resuscitation. The goal is that participants will be capable of giving first aid in cases of emergency. We recommend repeating the course every 2 years.

Please note that a sufficient number of participants is necessary for the course to be held.

Food is not included on the course so we urge participants to bring their own.

For further information, please contact us at 570-4220 or namskeid@redcross.is.

Please note that the price is not refunded if cancellation is received less than 3 days before the course starts, without a doctor's certificate.