Almennar fréttir

Multicultural festival in Mosfellsbær

13. maí 2019

People gathered to celebrate diversity on the 11th of May at the library in Mosfellsbær. The Festival was a co-operation project between the Red Cross in Mosfellsbær and the Library of Mosfellsbær.

People gathered to celebrate diversity on the 11th of May at the library in Mosfellsbær. The Festival was a co-operation project between the Red Cross in Mosfellsbær and the Library


of Mosfellsbær. Approximately 250-300 people attended the festival and got the opportunity to taste food from Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Lithuania, Syria and Uganda as well as Icelandic pancakes made from scratch by the Women\s society in Mosfellsbær. A festival of this sort would not be possible without helping hands all over, on behalf of the Red Cross and Library in Mosfellsbær we thank everyone who made the festival happen, it goes to show what we are capable of when we unite our strength, tear down walls and open ourselves up to one another. This is what humanity is all about. 

Fjölmargir lögðu leið sína á fjölmenningarveislu sem Rauði krossinn í Mosfellsbæ og Bókasafn Mosfellsbæjar stóðu fyrir um helgina. Á boðstólnum voruréttir frá Sýrlandi, Kúrdistan, Afganistan, Litháen og Úganda auk þess sem hægt var að gæða sér á íslenskum pönnukökum hjá Kvenfélagi Mosfellsbæjar. Ýmsir aðilar komu að því að láta þennan dag rætast og er þa ávallt fallegt að sjá þegar við tökum höndum saman, brjótum niður múra og opnum faðminn fyrir hvort öðru. Um það snýst mannúðin.


Photos from the festival | Myndir hér.